Members Subsidiary Page

 Fees and How to Pay.
 We have had to raise fees as of September 2023:-

 Fees are now £110 per term
 £95  concessions - ie: those drawing a state pension,  on
 disability benefit or income support.

 For new members their first half-term of 6 weeks duration is   free of charge so that 50% of the fee is payable for the   remainder of term.

 Payment by bank transfer is preferred:-

 Account name:             Earthly Voices
 Sort code:                     60-08-04
 Account number:        56512937

 Any queries speak to Julie (alto), our treasurer.

 Dress Code for Concerts

 In recent years we've become less formal in our choice of styles and colours, depending on what concert we're taking part in, albeit we strive for colour coordination, so typically the choice would be dark/black bottoms with bright tops in certain colour ranges.

Anyhow listen out for specific guidance for each event.
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